I have an API service for a Google Sheets add-on that I built, and I wanted to temporarily store some request metadata that I started collecting in the client.
How the add-on works. The API generates the forecast data.
The service was built with Django Ninja, and it’s not connected to a database. I thought about setting one up for this feature. But I couldn’t be bothered dealing with the configuration and the migrations. I wasn’t sure how long I’d be collecting this data for.
I then considered dumping the metadata in the logs. The problem with that approach is that it’s a hassle to aggregate all the relevant messages. I was planning to move the information to another place to do some analysis.
I briefly reflected on a global variable as well, but I was worried about the memory management.
And then, at last, I got to the most robust solution in the galaxy - the filesystem. I would store each piece of request metadata in a separate file, so as to avoid issues with concurrent writes. And, I would expose an endpoint in the API that combines all those files to show me all of the data.
Voilà the code:
def request():
# at the end, before I return the response
entry = {
"timestamp": datetime.now().isoformat(),
"request_id": request_id,
"metadata": metadata,
with open(f"{REQUESTS_DIR}/{request_id}.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(entry, f)
return response
# decorator to authenticate with API key header
def get_logs():
requests = []
for filename in glob.glob(f"{REQUESTS_DIR}/*.json"):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Add filename as id for reference
data["id"] = os.path.basename(filename).replace(".json", "")
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# Sort by timestamp
requests.sort(key=lambda x: x["timestamp"])
return requests
With that deployed, I can now fetch all of the data in my API’s OpenAPI docs. Django Ninja generates this page automatically for me. Lovely jubbly!
The swagger endpoints
The response for the endpoint I just created